Waterfalls As Jewelry
Finally all of Lake Erie moves over Niagara Falls.
Not like it has had a choice since the Lacustrine
Plains weren’t plains at all but the shores of great
Bodies of water, children of glaciers six thousand
Five hundred feet thick at times. The kind of thing
We might keep in our pockets and pull out from time
To time to show our closest friends are waterfalls.
The glaciers still don’t fit. Ice is not meant to be
Understood. We can keep the waterfalls as tokens
On short chains we can attach to our belts. This
Is Victoria, this is the Gullfoss, this is Angel,
Sometimes it touches my shoes. You can see my footsteps.
I can carry Niagara, all of it. The Horseshoe huge
In my back pocket like a wallet.
The smaller American and a charm with the Bridal
Veil attached to it. I can whirl it around and around.
When I open my mouth you can hear the rapids
In my voice, wordless and full of power.
I am surprised by veering off of course occasionally,
The faithfulness of sunlight and the manner of birds.
I am Dettifoss and Gottifoss, Kaieteur and Sutherland.
You can wear me as a belt , a skirt of Iguazu dropping
totally without fear into your life and feeling it is doing
Something valued because of this, unarguably.
I will light up all your cities.
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