Photos by D.R. Wagner
Allison Ferrini
27 names for tears
In the style of Wallace Stevens
Tears are the dew
that is left on the heart in the morning
One two three tears
fell like diamonds
as cold
as clear
as valuable
“The important thing”
my mother told me
“is to pine beautifully”
She had an amaryllis
Kept it in a pot on the windowsill
And would sit near it
And cry
Water her garden with tears
And one day the flower died
“Too much salt”
And that night
So did she
If there are over 6 billion people worldwide
And one in seven cried yesterday
And one in three cried this month
What are the odds
That one chosen at random
Is drinking grief honey at this very minute?
Horses don’t cry
She said
They have no reason to
He cried when he got punched on the playground
And when he tripped, and the asphalt bit his knee
He cried when he burnt his hand stealing fresh-baked cookies
But those were outside hurts
When his father moved away
He only cried on the inside
Liquid memories fell from her eyes
Pearls are mermaid’s tears
The alien had spent too long on earth
It had assimilated
“I’m leaking!” it burbled
As tears ran down its smooth face
There was a drought
In a kingdom far far away
And they locked the princess up
Until her tears ran
Cool, clear, sparkling
And the people were happy
If a tear lands on a frog
It will turn into a melancholy prince
But with a kiss
He will be joyful and loving and kind
So be careful
It used to be that salt was expensive. People were happy then, and simple.
Then there was a time when it was kept in plastic shakers on all the tables and we laughed and cried freely.
Now, nobody can stand any more salt in their food. There’s too much to be sad about
At the end she collected her tears in a big black pot
Heated it up on the fire
And washed in it
And then she put on her coat
And walked out the door
There is the taste of salty sadness
And the bitter tears of anger
But what I like best is the sweet water squeezed out by laughter
Who needs artificial tears
When we have chairs with only three legs
Really bad hair days
Chunky peanut butter when we like it smooth
Sweaters nobody wants
Who needs artificial tears?
The army uses tear gas
as if bombs weren’t enough
an elf cries in silver tears
a dragon weeps in gold
witches eyes seep out dark red
but angels tears are most impressive
angels cry rainbows
“Don’t cry for me”
She said as she left
“I won’t” laughed he
elephant tears
giraffe tears
zebra tears
crocodile tears
she had the whole menagerie
You could tell she’d been crying
But she blamed it on the rain
Summer kisses
Winter tears
Every time I cry, I funnel it
into a cut glass bottle. Then I hang it on the window
and watch it cast rainbows
all around my room.
Sometimes it makes me feel better.
Eyes shining
She accepted
It’s just allergies he wheezed
High pollen count today
It’s snowing she said
Tell me the truth
She added tears to everything she baked
and always took home first place
The tears came like a flash flood
baby’s tears…a tragedy ?
or a flowering shrub?