Friday, July 31, 2009
Reading, Wednesday, Aug. 5, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
Breaking And Entering
Broken glass on the floor of dreams
Cut the feet and blood comes, a memory
Unrestrained and opened like a body in surgery
Runs and seems to be something spectacular.
A walk through a park in Springtime.
Explosions in the inner eye, an inability to
Walk to the edge of reason, love, drunken and useless
To form words, night terrors, adolescent concerns
With appearance and impressions derailed,
Sparks streaming from the mouth.
A sudden reversal of fortune, no way
To stay awake through it all.
We walk to the edge of the abyss.
We say our names to each other.
Nothing makes much sense.
Crickets begin their stridulation and the flesh
Parts below the dermis and works its way
Upwards to where we dine together,
Laughing and kidding about old times.
The way we understood each other.
Finally, splashes of liquids cool the flesh.
We hope they are parts of songs we once sang.
The referee makes arms signals showing
What it is we have done to deserve such penalties.
We stand at the rail of the boat.
The sea churns behind us, unalarmed
By all of this. In the next second
We remember everything.
I will kiss you like this again.
I will talk to your relatives as if they
Were photocopies of great bridges
That once spanned continents, Places
Where we could see what was coming,
Unable to do anything about it.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
When I spoke of the night
I was thinking of you the whole time.
There were animals running in the street.
I could hear the traffic sounds. Hymn-like
Describing the air in horns and brakes.
I thought that train sounds were singing.
I did not know. I thought they were music,
Rhythmic and full of dark whistles,
The drumming of a million souls, a yearning.
A blanket of lights covered the city.
They shifted with the hours,
Undulated with the winds, blinked off,
Blinked on, reminded me of your eyes.
I thought it was your hair.
I thought it was your eyes.
I thought it was the stars.
Come down to earth to spin
Their tales once again, of the changing,
Of the way your lips move on mine,
Of your breathing in full midnight,
Of the sleeping, dancing the dreams
Through our bodies, touching our
Green hearts, our god-like souls again.