Well, it looks like the middle of April will be the release time for
(a poem in many voices)
...Kenneth Patchen
It seemed, at that moment
As if everything that was going
To be said would be of great
Importance, verging on a profound
Discovery, a sudden understanding
Only seen when the night
Reached in the way it did now,
Casting about the rooms for
The shadows it kept under beds,
Behind doors, inside of mouthes
That had seen too much today
And were hobbled knowing so much
Could be possible but no
Way of knowing what it was they knew.
We left through the carved
Door to the portico that ran
Along the side of the house.
Silence held everything in its hand.
This was hard to bear. The soft
Cloth of the year was only dust
Inside a barn turning from red
To gray, unlacing itself to be the night,
Allowing all of that star light to enter
Through shrinking ceiling boards and doors
That no longer quite closed.
“Which star do you like best?”
She opened the night with a gesture.
“All that heat where there is
No atmosphere, a gleaming from
So many stars” She moved her hands
As if she were touching all of them.
“That one.” he said as the night
Doubled their numbers.
“Or that one”, as it did it again.
“How beautiful.” he thought
As he wondered how it was possible
They could not have been here every night
Looking at the stars this way,
Feeling as if all things were forever.
There is no
For love..
It has its own door.
It names the heart
In whatever language
It chooses. There is no
Defense. We stand
Naked before it and
Are committed upon
And within, it becomes
Like breathing as
Explained by wonder.